Are you dreaming of a trip to space? Maybe you’d like to make that trip even more fun with Hank Lonely and Jim the Hutt? Well now’s your chance! Len Testa and Jim Hill from Disney Dish are embarking on a voyage to space onboard the Galactic Starcruiser, and they would love for you to join them! Here are some answers to questions you may have.

1. When is Disney Dish on the Galactic Starcruiser? – Len and Jim are booked on Mar 30-April 1, 2023. Or perhaps we should say Hank Lonely and Jim the Hutt are booked?
2. How Do I Get There, and When Should I Arrive? – If you are coming from a Disney resort, the hotel concierge will arrange a taxi for you. If you are driving, follow the signs to Disney Hollywood Studios if your GPS doesn’t recognize the Starcruiser address. Guests begin boarding around 1 pm, so we recommend arriving between 12 and 1. The transports from Earth up to the Halcyon can take a little while, so plan on a little wait! When disembarking, there are taxis ready to take you to another Disney resort! If you would like somewhere to store your bags for the day, the taxis will take you to Disney’s Riviera Resort and Bell Services will be happy to do that.
3. What is the Galactic Starcruiser? – The Galactic Starcruiser is a two-night, interactive, Star Wars themed adventure. It’s immersion like you’ve never seen before. The overall storyline will end the same, but every guest has some control over their own storyline and experience.

4. Will we Get to Spend Time with Len and Jim Onboard? – Yes! But, the Starcruiser experience is an all-day long adventure that will run until 10-11 at night! If you end up on the same storyline with Len or Jim (more on that later), you’ll probably see them a lot! Otherwise, it will be less predictable. Len and Jim will be on the early dining time, and we will link their reservations with everyone else’s, but the tables on the Halcyon are made for small parties, so we can’t guarantee we will sit near each other. We will try to all meet up in the Sublight Lounge on the first night after the ship activities settle down, for anyone who is still awake. We will also schedule a meetup on Batuu day around 2:00 onboard for those that want.
5. Do I Need a Backstory? – Definitely! It doesn’t have to be elaborate, but it will add to your adventure if you go into the experience with a backstory. Create a character you want to play, and write a few short sentences about your character, and where in the galaxy you are from. Use this backstory when talking to the crew and other guests onboard. That will help shape your storyline and experience. The first afternoon onboard, between 1 and 4, is the best time to meet the crew of the Halcyon and let them get to know you and your character!

6. What Do You Mean by Storyline? – There are several different storylines that take place onboard. Resistance, Smuggler, First Order, and Force-sensitive are the main ones. There are some shoot-offs of those that include things like romcoms and heists. Your backstory, decisions, and interactions onboard determine which storyline you will follow. If you want to see any storyline through, decide by the first night what you want, and make all the following decisions accordingly!
7. Should I Dress Up? – While our recommendation is yes, that’s definitely up to you! We fully believe that dressing up adds to the whole experience. You can go full-out costume, or just hints of one, in more of a “bounding” type fashion. There are some costume guidelines you can find here. If, however, you are worried you will be uncomfortable in anything besides your everyday clothes, and it may actually detract from your experience, then that’s what you should wear. There will be others in Earth clothes, so you won’t feel out of place. Pro Tip – Especially if you are dressing up, it’s a good idea to have one piece of clothing or accessory that you wear continuously. It makes it easier for the onboard crew to remember you!

8. I’ve been to Batuu Multiple Times, is it Worth My Time? – One hundred percent yes. There are many fun missions to run on Batuu, and you want to do every single one you can! It will take you a few hours, but will be worth your time. You’ll get to ride Smuggler’s Run and Rise of the Resistance as well! If you’d like to make reservations at Oga’s Cantina, you can definitely do that as well (your travel agent can do that for you 60 days in advance). While we love the Droid Depot and Savi’s Workshop, we do think those are best saved for another day just because of the amount of time they will use up. To make the most of your time, we’d recommend you be on the first transport to Batuu in the morning!
9. Is There a Meetup Afterwards? – There is! We are planning a lunch together at the Blaze Pizza in Disney Springs on disembarkation day. Most people who experience the Starcruiser have a lot to talk about afterward! There are stories to share and experiences to compare. And who would be more fun to do that with Len and Jim? If you want to join us, we would love to have you!
10. Do You Have Any More Tips to Make the Most of this experience? We do! Here are a few more things that you may want to know.

- The store onboard is closed the last morning, so make sure you buy anything you want before it closes the last night!
- Make sure you talk to other passengers as you go. They can help with clues to missions, solving puzzles, and it’s just fun to meet other people on the same journey as you!
- Len suggests asking the Captain if the ship is playing the 9 part epic saga Space Robots in Outer Space. He enjoys hearing her answer!
- Len also suggests thinking of questions for crew members that they may not hear all the time. It’s a great icebreaker and helps them remember you.
- There’s a droid you can interact with via a communications panel in your room. Every time you are in the room, check in with them! Ask them to tell you a bedtime story at night! You won’t regret it.
Finally, we have a couple of blog posts right after disembarking that you may enjoy:
Len wrote about his experience here:
I wrote about mine here:
I also wrote a trip report about my experience, but don’t read if you are avoiding spoilers! This one is spoiler heavy! 🙂
Let us know if you have any questions! There is still time to get booked and join us, and Disney has a great special for pre or post hotel stays!